Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The dreaded decision is finally here. I can remember discussing the topic for the first time as my tiny baby grew inside me, before we even knew Jackson was a "Jackson." I remember finding comfort in the fact that no decision was necessary, and we could "agree to disagree" because we had a long time before we needed to make up our minds. Well... it's time, and I, for one, am in disbelief at how quickly four years has passed! We can't prolong the decision much longer. Someone will prevail. Where will Jackson go to preschool? Public or Private? Mommy or Daddy? We've been fortunate enough for him to have the opportunity to attend "employee preschool" with me this year (for 3 and 4 year olds). I have absolutely loved having him with me all day. Jackson loves everything about Oddzidder (Achziger) elementary: his teachers, his friends, playing pirates and puppy super heroes (don't ask) on the playground, library day, tumble books, chocolate milk from the cafeteria on special occasions, classroom jobs, Cowboy bucks, and my personal favorite- getting to see Mommy in hallway. However, next year everything changes. Jackson is of age. He is old enough to attend real preschool, and we both work at schools where this is available. Therein lies the problem. Where will Jackson go? We've each pleaded our case with a list of pro's and con's. Adam's "getting to use the HOV lane" doesn't count, and he crossed out my "convenient parent teacher conferences." The real reason the decision is so difficult is because we both would love to have him close by, and we know both places will provide a good education, good teachers, and many opportunities for him to grow into a great student. FBA has a small town feel, where everyone knows everyone. Adam teaches students who started school together in preschool and are now seniors. He wants that for Jackson. We previewed the elementary school, and I had to admit, I couldn't find anything to complain about (and believe me, I asked a lot of questions). At the same time, Jackson loves where he is now, and I can't imagine not seeing him next year. Adam is impressed with how much Jackson has learned this year, and we couldn't be more pleased with his teachers. As enrollment day nears (for both schools), we are in the process of finalizing our decision. Since sharing custody is not possible, we will be making the first of many difficult decisions regarding our children. I'm thankful to have the guidance of a God who loves his children and a husband who seeks to follow that guidance. Because...I have a feeling... the decisions only get bigger from here.

Friday, February 3, 2012

You Sneaky Mom

For Jace's 6 month birthday, we gave him his first taste of real food! I did a lot of research this time around because Jackson is the world's pickiest eater. I don't know if making my own baby food will make Jace less picky, but I think it's a healthier option and maybe a money saver? (I haven't done the math so I'm not sure.) I decided to forgo rice cereal due to its lack of nutritional value and "wasted calories" and begin with avocado instead, which he happily ate! Four days later he loved banana too! I can't help but feel a little guilty that I didn't do it this way with Jackson. Something doesn't seem quite right about scheduling all the different foods I plan to introduce to Jace over the next few months, knowing Jackson will insist on eating chicken nuggets 4 out of 5 meals.

All of this guilt over Jackson's eating habits led to the melt down I experienced with Jackson at Chickfila  today. I was excited to hear Chickfila has implemented a healthier children's menu with their new grilled chicken nuggets. Once upon a time, I used to specifically request grilled chicken nuggets for Jackson, and because Chickfila has the best customer service ever, they always happily agreed to make them for us. I don't even know when or how it happened that Jackson began eating what he refers to as "real" chicken nuggets, but apparently, he doesn't ever remember eating grilled ones. While we were waiting in line I asked Jackson if he wanted apple sauce or fruit today. He said, "Please can I have fries?!" I tried to talk him into fruit but decided to order grilled chicken nuggets with fries since he eats maybe two fries at most, anyway. When we sat down and I pulled out his nuggets, I was trying to find the right words to explain to him that these nuggets may look a little different, but before I could say anything, he instantly slouched down in the booth, crying, "I don't want these chicken nuggets!" Soft, quiet reasoning had no effect on my distraught child with tears rolling down his cheeks now loudly repeating over and over, "Those are not chicken nuggets!" I whispered mean threats in his ear about going home immediately, extra long nap, no family movie night, and anything else I could think of. He sat quietly, but the stern look on his face still said there was no way he was taking a bite of whatever that was. After more coaxing and a lot of ketchup, he took a bite with his eyes closed (a little dramatic, yes?). Turns out they aren't so bad. I was very satisfied that we may have just made a major breakthrough that could lead to much healthier eating habits! He finished eating his nuggets and had a bite of a french fry and then wanted to play. I haven't figured out if I am just that over protective parent or if it's the teacher in me that can't seem to let children play without adult supervision, but either way, I won't let him go play without me watching so I told him he had to wait until I finished my lunch (which I hadn't even started because of all the drama of getting Jackson to eat while holding Jace in my lap). Jackson sat patiently looking at his toy while I opened my box of chicken strips. I immediately knew. It hit me like a ton of bricks. The box lid wasn't even open all the way before Jackson blurted out, "THOSE are the chicken nuggets I wanted, Mom. Like that!" Fail. Major mommy fail.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Paris and Rome...I need him home.

I am fully aware of how much Adam does for us; for goodness sake, my mom reminds me daily that I'm spoiled. However, nothing like 5 days apart to renew that appreciation! Thankfully, my mother-in-law spent the long weekend with us, watching the boys Thursday and Friday while I was at work. She cooked, cleaned, and even took a few middle of the night feedings with Jace (gotta love those growth spurts). She stayed until Monday so I could take Jace to the doctor for his shots without Jackson. Don't know what I would have done without her because the few short hours between her leaving and Adam arriving proved to be rather exhausting! She was on the road headed home by noon, leaving me and the boys to wait for Daddy to arrive home around 11pm. I spent the afternoon catching up on lesson plans while Jace took a long nap and Jackson played. I had a long list of things I hoped to get accomplished before the busy week got underway. Laundry, bathrooms, lunches for the week, baths for the boys... About the time Jace woke up a little on the fussy side, Jackson started in full force with Grandma withdraws. Jace was not satisfied with any of his usual toys or distractions and decided only being held by mommy would do. Only, I had to put him down to begin dinner for Jackson. Jace was, of course, hungry at the same time. (I look forward to the days when they can eat the same dinner!) Jace screamed in his bumbo seat while I quickly shuffled around the kitchen making Jackson's dinner and putting mine back in the fridge. Let's face it. I wouldn't be eating any time soon. Jackson is bouncing after me repeating, "I need a straw!" over and over and over. A bottle soon solved all Jace's problems, but getting Jackson to eat was another matter. With dinner over and Jace down for a quick nap, I shifted focus to bath time. Jace woke up just in time for me to stick him in the tub with Jackson. Putting Jace down long enough to get Jackson dried off and jammies on was tricky. Catching Jackson aka "Spiderman" to put him in his "pajammies" was also tricky, especially when he suddenly turned into Iceman and froze me, then spun into Firestar and put a ring of fire around me. Luckily, mommy's powers are stronger than all superheroes', and she was able to use her strong magnetic force to drag Spiderman/Iceman/Firestar close enough to her to grab him and force him into his nightwear. After teeth brushing, book reading, and song singing Jackson was asleep by 8:00 thank-you-very-much. And, drum roll please, Jace was asleep by 8:40!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

 Starting a new year always brings out the list maker/organization side of me. And, this year, I've got quite the list! In addition to more exercise and healthy eating habits, less TV and procrastination, I've added BLOGGING to my goals! Time is always an issue-- two kids (one being an infant), grading, lesson plans, and working on a master's degree occupies a lot of it, and I've got to sleep at some point. Therefore, my blogging goal is an easy one (hopefully!). So fellow bloggers and readers of blogs, I will attempt to blog twice a month. And you better believe this entry counts as one of my two posts for the month of January!

I'm a little sad that Christmas over. It was such a fun holiday season with the boys. I look forward to next year as much as Jackson, who has been asking everyday since Christmas "how close is Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas?" I showed him a calendar this morning, and I wish I could have captured the look on his face as I kept turning page after page. Maybe he understands now? 

I've included a few of my favorite pictures (snapped with my iPhone, which is another goal--Take more pictures!).

Jackson and Jace watching the favorite movie of this season-
"Polar Express"

Jackson accompanied Daddy to work on his last day before
Christmas break. They took a coffee/chocolate milk break.

We had to visit the "North Pole Express" this year. It was a fun, decorated little town with a train ride to the North Pole. The elves sang Christmas song favorites, and Santa made an appearance on the train! Jackson wanted to know why we didn't get all the way to North Pole. Of course, the tracks were too icy to get there. Here are a few pictures from our fun night!